Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl XLV

oh yeah! Wisconsin's Greenbay Packers won the superbowl! wahahaha.
the commentator actually said it was the smallest city in the country. :O i didnt know that.


no handsome players. just good looking muscles. xD look at his!!  bigger than Popeye's!

wasn't really into it at first. but it got interesting and exciting. i actually watched the whole game. Black EYed Peas performed. sucked though. xD
but mann. the mayor did not declare a holiday! :(
mom was supposed to leave today but flight cancel -_- way to go. 
we actually sent her to the airport, went to church and then she called, so we went to pick her up again.
i teared of course. didnt get any better when i was in church either. everyone was in the superbowl spirit :O
so dumb. teared but mom didnt leave. ahahahah. 
on the way to the airport the second time, talked to my cousin in the car. some sensitive issues. oh well. made us closer but both of us feel the pain. 
made a 3D newspaper tree!!


  1. I was actually unimpressed by their body builds. Thought they'd be more hulk-ish. :0

  2. it's only some of their arm muscles that are nice.
    the huge bodied players are flabby xD
