Friday, April 15, 2011

of dreams, cold weather in the name of spring break

yes, it's not supposed to make any sense.

psyched much?!
at least i accomplished a little something today. like spring some cleaning at home.
woahh. it's only ten PM and my eyes are droopy.

got a notice from the management the other day
it basically tells us to keep the entrance doors closed b/c some homeless dude had been sleeping at the lower floor stairwells.

imagine when you come home at night and you walk down the stairs and you see this dude laying down there!

PLUS my cousin told me he forgot to lock the house door that night.. and he saw the door was propped open a little. luckily i lock my bedroom door.

creepola #2!
but somehow, it might just be my cousin who did not close the door properly the night before.
when i tell my mom this. she's probably gonna freak. kinda. lol
chi-town this sunday! :) what should i do there? HMM.

i sooo want to go shopping. get a whole new closet. i wanna look/be trendy too! but i know im soo gonna feel super guilty after that. PLUS. i have a tendency of not wearing the clothes i buy. SIGHSOLA.  :(
i made a vow. i can only buy clothes if i lose weight.
but aint losing any. FAIL.
speaking of that...some people just dont get why people care so much about their weight, size and looks.
you live on Earth thus it MATTERS OKAY.
at least it does to me, myself, and i.
if it doesnt for you. then good for you and be happy that you dont care about it :)
dont you dare argue w/ me. PERIOD.  

i want to go to Taiwan.
i dont know when's the next time i could go overseas again.

 and i have college dilemmas and a car dilemma too.
i have a to-do list for spring break!
and a week aint enough for 'em!
oh well. pray/hope things go well. :)
if it doesnt, make 'em right!

im having dreams lately.
i usually dont.
and i know i shouldnt have them
because i WASH MY FEET EVERY NIGHT. okay, sometimes. depends when i shower at night and whether my feet touches the carpet between the time i take my night shower and the time i go to sleep.
and if they do, MUST WASH.
p.s. i wear room slippers at home.
call me superstitious. but hey, i've been doing this since i was a lil girl.
weird dreams. and some are scary too. : /

on a random note. you know the everything happens because of yourself thing? you BLAME yourself. DONT blame others. cause you see. it's always YOUR fault. so yeap. i want to blame my parents for that superstitious. but after all, it all goes back to ME. :)

so yeah, people BLAME YOURSELF. ;)
though i find comfort in blaming others :D
dont we?

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